
Jane Gardener


Registered nurse/midwife Stomal therapist

Length of time working as a nurse
Approx 20 + years

Hospital/s where you currently work as a nurse
Sydney Adventist Hospital for 12 years

Position held at current hospital where you work
Clinical nurse specialist on urology ward

Length of time working directly with Kris (both in hospital and rooms)
Worked in Kris’s Dee Why rooms since inception in January 2015 as practice nurse. Worked alongside Kris at the Sydney Adventist Hospital for approx 6 + years

Why you enjoy being a nurse/ urology field
All things ‘urological’ fascinate me.

Who would think our kidneys are complex, environmentally friendly waste centres that tirelessly work to filter our blood, keeping us alive.

How amazing is the small ‘walnut sized’ action packed prostate that feeds and nurtures sperm essential to new life, but causes such havoc in men’s lives.

Who doesn’t spend a day not thinking about their bladder.

I am honored to be a listening ear to those awkward ‘below the belt’ conversations and strive to be a part of the solution.

Every aspect of nursing is equally interesting and rewarding. It is a privileged position, one we aspire to respect and build on.

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