The Procedure
This is the surgical treatment for a short penile frenulum by dividing the skin across and re-suturing in a lengthwise fashion.
A full general anaesthetic will be used. Your anaesthetist will explain the anaesthetic to you.
The bridge of skin under your penis will be cut across and repaired lengthwise to lengthen the frenulum by approximately 0.5 – 1.5 centimetres.

You may experience discomfort for a few days after the procedure, but painkillers will be given to you to take home.
Absorbable stitches are used which do not require removal.
Vaseline should be applied to the tip of the penis and around the stitch line to prevent the penis from adhering to your underclothes. It is advisable to wear loose-fitting clothing for 2-3 days. It is also advisable to retract the foreskin daily to prevent scarring and shortening of the frenulum.
Passing urine will be painless and will not be affected by your procedure.
Most procedures have a potential for side-effects and these are outlined below.
Common (greater than 1 in 10)
- Swelling of the penis lasting several days
Occasional (between 1 in 10 & 1 in 50)
- Infection of the incision requiring further treatment and casualty visit.
- Bleeding of the wound occasionally needing a further procedure and/or casualty visit.
- Persistence of absorbable stitches after 3-4 weeks, requiring removal.
Rare (less than 1 in 50)
- Altered sensation of the penis.
- Scar tenderness.
- Failure to be completely satisfied with the cosmetic result.
- Further need for circumcision if the procedure fails to improve symptoms.
It will be at least 10 days before healing occurs and you may return to work when you are comfortable. You should refrain from sexual intercourse for a minimum of four weeks.
There will be some swelling of the penis after a few days. This will last 3-4 days and will then subside, but do not be alarmed because this is expected. If you develop a temperature, increased redness, throbbing or drainage at the site of the operation , please contact Dr Rasiah’s rooms, or your GP.
You will need to see Dr Rasiah approximately 4-6 weeks after surgery for follow up.