Bowel Preparation for Surgery
Only for those patients for undertaking major abdominal surgery where it has been specifically requested by your surgeon.
1 – On the day prior to surgery drink approved clear liquids only.
Approved clear liquids: water, clear salty fluids (eg. strained chicken noodle soup), clear broth, clear fruit juice, plain jelly, black tea or coffee (no milk), clear fruit cordials (lemon or lime – no red or purple food colourings).
Barley sugar may also be sucked if required.
No solid food or milk products allowed
2 – On the day prior to surgery at approximately 12pm, dissolve the contents of one sachet of PicoPrep in a glass (approximately 250mls) of warm water. This may be chilled in a refrigerator prior to use if you prefer. Drink the contents of the glass followed by another glass of water.
3 – In the evening of the same day (at approximately 4pm) repeat with the 2nd sachet of PicoPrep.
4 – Continue drinking approved clear fluids until nil by mouth commences.
The bowel preparation PicoPrep can be obtained either at your own pharmacy or the pharmacy at SAN. You will need to purchase the 2 sachet box.
All this will be explained at your pre-admission if you have any questions.